Male gay flag meaning

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This cemented the month of June as a celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community moving forward.

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In June 1970, on the one year anniversary of the first Stonewall Riots, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago saw the first Gay Pride marche s to commemorate the Stonewall riots and celebrate the changes that had begun to happen. The riots were pivotal in changing discriminatory laws against gay people all around the world. Pride is celebrated in June to mark the anniversary of the Stonewall riots, a series of demonstrations and protests against police brutality after a raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in New York in 1969. This month is dedicated to celebrating LGBTQIA+ communities around the world, as well as raising awareness for the prejudices and discrimination still faced by the community today. June is here and around the world that means Pride month is being celebrated.

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